Nabokov believed that a good reader was someone who read with their spine and not their eyes. Someone who absorbed the book they were reading and had the open-mindedness to read the book without judging it first. Nabokov felt that by rereading the book many times the reader had a better understanding of the book. I do agree with Nabokov, a book does need to be reread to be fully appreciated. I myself reread many of my favorite books over the years, each time getting a better understanding of the story and its characters.
I believe that the characteristic of a good reader are open-mindedness and the love of a good book. If you are open to new ideas then it makes reading new books more exciting. I consider myself a good reader and I have been all my life. I reread many books and like to read more than one book at a time. I have a large collection of books and do not like to part with any of them.
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